As you work to shake off the hang-overs caused by your Christmas and New Year alcohol consumption, can you look back and identify if you consumption was at a level that is potentially harmful for you?
According to the (NHS) in 2018, more males than females drank at an average weekly level that could indicate increased or higher risk of harm (more than 14 alcohol units per week).
The recommendation for both males and females is that we should consume no more than 14 alcohol units in a week (spread out over several days with some non-drinking days in between each period of consumption).
So when it comes to alcohol, do you know your numbers? Do you know what 14 alcohol units a week equates to? The (NIDirect) website gives a highly useful introduction to alcohol in terms of both units and also its impact on you and others.
Based in Northern Ireland, (Alcohol and You NI) has a free and easy to use self-audit 'tool' on its website that can help you review your own intake levels.
If you think that your consumption is a problem for either you and/or those close to you, both (ASCERT) and (Addiction NI) are local charities operating in Northern Ireland that can offer confidential advice and direct support.
Make 2019 the year you get to know more about and get a handle on, your alcohol consumption.